Tuesday, November 28, 2006
In less than a month time, it's
And very soon it will be the end of the yeah and thus approaching YEAR 2007. Times passes so so fast. It's just like a blink of an eye.
Things happened.... more things happened.... be it good or bad....
Life had been busy with school, work, dance and my the other half. Haven met up with friends much. Oh well...
It's been awhile my colleague handed in her resignation letter. Now I feel a heavy load stacked on me after we had a meeting yesterday. More work, more deadlines.... Her job scope has been distributed among us. That's ok but the fact to consider is that it will no longer be the like in future. I have no guidance and help to seek for. It's totally all on my own most of the time. I only have one more closing to learn from my colleague and tata.. there she goes to her new found job.
Being working all these while and I simply find that accounting is not my line at all. Though I will know the work I am doing but the fact that I tend to be blur and careless and accounts requires one time accurate figures. I doubt I can do it.
After a period of time, its about time that I leave. As according to my colleague, I seriously have to think what I want to do in future. But things are so hard to tell now and that I am still considered a 'new bird' in the working society. In the end, it's all about depending on yourself and there will not be anyone to really help you.
Being looking through jobs in the government sector and I saw job that seems promising. I have just sent in my application. And I hope that they will response to my mail and have an interview set up for me. I know that I may be slow in understanding but I am always willing to try as long as there is a chance for me.
Hopefully that in the coming NEW YEAR OF 2007, all the things will be even better.
Salsaera Paradiz signing off lovingly 11/28/2006 11:53:00 AM
Monday, November 27, 2006
It was a total LONG day for the whole of Sunday.
Me and Dear were quite sinful today... Woke up early and were supposed to go to church... BUT... we detour and headed to Mcdonald's to have breakfast. Its been a long long time since we have Mc's Breakfast... keke... Sinful... After which, we are 'SUPPOSED' to head to the gym as decided. I even went home to get my track pants and tank top and had my adidas shoes on.
By the time we reached Ubi, heading back towards Dear's house, he suddenly passed by the Automobile building... Heart feeling 'itchy'... wanna go for a test drive... So we end up detouring to the different car centres. Car Times, Suzuki, Geely, Naza, Mitsubishi, Kia... Spent like almost 5 hours looking at cars, getting in and out of cars to try the space and seats and gears... getting more info on the fuel consumption and the pricing... We sounded like as though we have the pure intention to get a car... lol...
Met up with Zhi Wei and Winnie and back to Geely to look at those China cars again. Those cars are definitely not my cup of coffee. Just one word, "Cheena"...
Btw the time we finish talking and stuff... it was already 6pm. Headed back to Dear's place to wash up... I thought I could rest for awhile but within less than half an hour, we are out of the house again. We headed to Suntec to meet Zhi Wei and Winnie who were at Carrefour shopping.
Today I definitely spent alot... lol... but its for me and my dear... We were heading towards Marina Sq Sakae Sushi for dinner but we ended up been STUCK at OSIM.
Winnie was the one who entered first and considering if she should buy the iPAMPER for her parents.
In the end, I ended up spending more money than her... haha... but its worth the money that's for sure. Just a little tight pinch but its ok. Next will be better.
Dear tried the uZap... not because he wants to use it to slim down though it does help. But its to help me massage his back as he had injured his back very badly after the Port Dickson trip. And I got myself iCare 200. The one that I have been eyeing for quite sometime. So I decided to give throw in that money to get those 2 items. It's not wasting of money but it's beneficial. For our health. The good thing was that we got the uZap and iCare 200 at a good price with a deduction of SG$30 each. So I saved SG$60. Haha... I may spend alot on certain one short but I will save on others. So no buying for clothes for the whole of Dec... lol...
Dear's uZap which I got him.

My iCare 200 which I got... keke... finally...

Last 3 days ago, Creative HQ was have a massive discount on their items. Dear got me one the earphones which he had. I tried it on and I loved it... at least it gets stuck in my ear and not like those normal earphones which will start falling off after a few minutes. He got it at a good offer price of SG$35.

This weekend we sure spent alot. Had Marche for dinner on Saturday and a treat to movie since its been quite awhile. HAPPY FEET.... cute cute penguins. haha...

Wooo.... what a super LONG day we had. Tuesday we have definitely got to go to the gym... Shed those kilos man... wooo... all we do is eat and eat and more eating... Dear is definitely feeding me alot... lol...
Salsaera Paradiz signing off lovingly 11/27/2006 01:14:00 AM
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Half a day gone...
I have been busy setting up my new blogskin. Took me quite awhile as I have to re-edit the banner picture and size it up.
Editing all the links... wooo.... thats quite alot of time taken up.
Salsaera Paradiz signing off lovingly 11/23/2006 03:31:00 PM
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Haaa!!! Finally Wan Ting sent me the photos taken on yr BDAY celebration...
For bigger views... click on the link :)
(Her buffet area at one corner of the living room)
Group photo together with BDAY gal
Poly mates - YL, Nelson, Bday gal, Me, Kelly & Kelly's bf
Just the 3 of us
Just the 3 of us again
Nice pics!! That all peeps...
Salsaera Paradiz signing off lovingly 11/22/2006 02:20:00 PM
My laptop is CRAP!!!! My tagboard disappeared again when I view it.
Argh!!! Cant possibly that I can only tag when I am back at office...
CRAP.... is it the Cbox or is it just my IE?? Hmmmm.....
How how how.... wat should I do???
Salsaera Paradiz signing off lovingly 11/22/2006 09:41:00 AM
Finally had my hair cut by Omar on the day of my birthday itself... dear's hairstylist. Oh my... my head feels so so much lighter by a "ton"... dear sponsored for the haircut and the REDKEN Shampoo... hope it helps to strength my hair texture and let my hair have a full volume. Hmmm... just as long as my hair does not become "FLAT" at the end of the day.

My REDKEN shampoo sponsored by dear...
And the cute Penguin which he kapo from Hella and gave it to me... Doesnt it look like one of those Penguins in "HAPPY FEET" hahahaha....
Met Ah Siao and Val... hmmm... jus for 'teh'...
Since it's my birthday, dear asked me to 'kai chang' my SHOEI full face helmet. Wooo... 'SUAI'!!

(my SHOEI full face my dear bought for me as a BDAY present... finally have a full face for touring... woo...)
Salsaera Paradiz signing off lovingly 11/22/2006 02:32:00 AM
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
It's 21st Nov 2006, a cold windy Tuesday to begin with.
I am suddenly not in the mood for anything.
It's another year passed by and once again it's my birthday. But I am not feeling quite glad over it. Quiet... it has always been quiet... and the day just passes by just like this.
I do not know why and dun ask me why. It's just getting old year after year especially when you pass the age of 21. And each year it just keeps adding on to 1.
What's birthday for?? I do not know... It's just an indication that we are growing old.
And to end off... I am not really in the mood suddenly.
For those peeps who are not happy reading my entries... then dun read... Like I say... it's my blog and I write what I feel like writing. I do not need anything to go along with it.
Salsaera Paradiz signing off lovingly 11/21/2006 12:57:00 AM
Monday, November 20, 2006
It's been quite awhile since I last updated...
Since my hair is still wet and I can't get to bed yet... so maybe I shall blog abit.
Exams are finally over... though it's only 2 papers...
Maths I am totally confident that I did ok...
As for management... hmmm... I shall not mention too much about it... haha
So far things have been reasonably ok. No hic-cups as yet... not hoping to have any also. -_-''' Quite a few interesting incidents though...
19th Nov, Sunday... invitation to Wan Ting's 21st birthday... It's totally great!! Thank god I can find her place so easily... One sweet, cute little gal... even though she is 21, she is still like a little gal... haha... (hey hey... thats a compliment!)
Her birthday celebration is totally different in a way from others who would celebrate. Me, Nelson and YL totally agrees that she makes a great time and effort in her celebration.
First her invitation cards are either hallmark cards or HANDMADE!! Next is that she actually makes an interesting effort in have a lucky draw... "giving out presents to us when it's her birthday!" Interesting gifts. Though it does not cost much but IT'S THE THOUGHT THAT COUNTS. (Thanks gal!!) Having to go get the gifts and wrapping them up VERY NEATLY. Thanks for my Birthday Present as well... so touched that you remembered... keke... It's really been quite awhile that we met. Nelson, YL, Wanting, Kelly and I had a great chat.
The buffet spread were good... Food taste good and a good choice of selections. The cake she ordered was totally sweet and nice to the extend that we were not willing to cake the cake... Had quite abit of food from 5++ pm till I can't eat much for dinner when I was supposed to have a dinner gathering with a group of my pals.
Birthday gal's cake!!!

Next I was off to Marina Sq to meet my pals... its really a long long time since we last met. Thanks to Daniel for treating me the 'Lychee Kooler'... Thanks to Zhi Gang for paying for my "Super Bowl salad" and sending me home first by taxi... but anyway it was on the way since he stays at Pasir Ris... haha...
Dinner wat great... Food at "Changing Appetites" hmmm... not bad I would say.
Soon after dinner, we headed off to "Pool Fusion" for a few games of Pool.
Wooo... it's also a long time since I played Pool... but hey... I was not that bad... haha...
The whole day went on pretty normally... but its the gathering and long chats that were great. Thanks for everything guys!!
Lastly, to my dear... its been 7 months... Though it's not that long but I'm sure there will be a long way more for us to go as long as we hold on to each other and supporting each other. I'm glad that we are having fun at dance. I am totally enjoying it and most importantly is to see you have fun as well! Thanks for buying me the Shoei Full Face helmet. Thanks for loving and taking care of me. I know you are wood... but I am not expecting more. haha... I'm really glad to have you in my life!! I really do!!
Salsaera Paradiz signing off lovingly 11/20/2006 01:25:00 AM
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Of all, yesterday was the worst....
I totally freak myself out...
It was not suppose to happen.
But it ultimately did.
I almost lost control of it...
It almost flipped...
Thankfully nothing happended...
I really would not want to imagine it...
Suddenly my vision went blur. It was within the speed limit of mine but just because of one small kerb which was protuding out that almost cost our lives.
Got hit... and the car went out to the next lane...
Thankfully, there were no other cars beside me.
I lost control of it.
Wonder what will happen if I was alone without my instructor.
I foresee death.....
What if....
Salsaera Paradiz signing off lovingly 11/07/2006 01:27:00 PM
Thursday, November 02, 2006
There are choices in life that you can make. There are things which you can sacrifice but its a matter of whether you want to do it or not. It's all about weighing your priorities right.
Sick and coughing like hell since yesterday afternoon. Had MC for the half of yesterday but I only managed to crawl out of the office only at 4pm after having to complete some of the top priorities work. Headed of to get some stuff at Tampines mall before going home.
It's not a choice that I want to be sick. It's a hassle to be sick. I hate coughs... once I start, it will never end for like 2 weeks... but hopefully this will not take so long.
Laid in bed all night.......... yet ..... .... ...??
Bad scenes keeps coming to my head...
Salsaera Paradiz signing off lovingly 11/02/2006 10:04:00 AM